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we thinkCloud House as a space-time in which it becomes possible to “be in the clouds”: a time to pause, to let go of time, to reflect, to contemplate but also to actively imagine new ways of making the world for a world in crisis.

We are united by the diversity of the fields and knowledge from which we come, and from there we open our house in the clouds to receive researchers and creators from different disciplines and cultures, promoting encounters and intersections that enhance new searches, new looks and new listening.

We envision Casa Nubera as a space-time that enables " being in the cloud ": such a state opens up a time to pause, to let go of the clocking-time; it is a state for reflection and contemplation, but also for actively imagining new approaches for a world in crisis.

We are joined together by the diversity of the fields from which we come, and from that point we open our "house in the clouds" to welcome researchers and creators from different disciplines and cultures, fostering encounters and crossings that encourage new pursuits, new perspectives and new ways of listening.

We believe in collective work, we believe in a life that can be sustainable and productive at the same time. We are committed to critical thinking in order to reconsider ourselves as a society and to learn-with and to learn-from the territories we inhabit and visit.

As a place that researches culture and, therefore, life, we intend, from the processes and developments that take place here, to generate fruitful contributions to our context in order to ultimately produce new artistic and scientific knowledge that makes it possible to democratise and de-hierarchise knowledge.


Maria Emilia Ayup

General management

Bachelor of SciencePolitics, Specialist in Territorial and Urban Management, and in Production and Management of Shows and Festivals, and candidate for a Master's Degree in Political Science. 

Consultant in Project Management and Public Policies, and Cultural Manager. In 2019 he foundedcNu handlebwas with the vision of reflecting on art from a natural and ancestral ecosystem. As a consultant, she participated in territorial projects on the protection of forests and native flora, renewable energy in rural and high mountain areas, rural tourism, sustainable production, technologies for inclusion, among others, and in numerous research projects, technology implementation and public policies for government agencies, the third sector and international organizations (IDB and World Bank) in different countries (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Venezuela, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, among others).

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Paula Guersenzvaig 

Artistic direction

Project support and processes 


Arresident researcher and manager in Buenos Aires. 

ANDGraduated from the Master's Degree in Electronic Arts at UNTREF. Formedin music, mathematics, programming and sound engineering.

Since 2015 he has been a teacheruniversity and cacademic coordinator of MAE UNTREF. From 2023 codirige CNu handlebera.            

Realiza acommanagement of research and production projects, assembly design and art curation contemporary, sound arts, intermedial and transdisciplinary (@untref, @casanubera, @espacio.404)
His artistic production has been included in art centers and museums (CCK, CCRecoleta, CCGSM, CNB, Tecnópolis, Planetario, among others). He has received support to develop artistic projects and residencies at a local and international level (British Council, FNA, Metropolitan Fund, Williams Foundation, ArtCenter South Florida, Cove Park, Cryptic)

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Paula Guersenzvaig 

Artistic direction

Project support and processes 


Arresident researcher and manager in Buenos Aires. 

ANDGraduated from the Master's Degree in Electronic Arts at UNTREF. Formedin music, mathematics, programming and sound engineering.

Since 2015 he has been a teacheruniversity and cacademic coordinator of MAE UNTREF. From 2023 codirige CNu handlebera.            

Realiza acommanagement of research and production projects, assembly design and art curation contemporary, sound arts, intermedial and transdisciplinary (@untref, @casanubera, @espacio.404)
His artistic production has been included in art centers and museums (CCK, CCRecoleta, CCGSM, CNB, Tecnópolis, Planetario, among others). He has received support to develop artistic projects and residencies at a local and international level (British Council, FNA, Metropolitan Fund, Williams Foundation, ArtCenter South Florida, Cove Park, Cryptic)

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Munay Mamondes

Taller de Cerámica

​Técnicas y comunidad local


Nació en los Valles Calchaquíes. Es Lic en artes plásticas con especialidad en grabado de la Facultad de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Técnica ceramista y profesora en artes egresada de la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Tucumán. Profesora de cerámica para jóvenes y adultos, y maestra de plástica en escuelas rurales de la provincia de Tucumán. Investigadora de arcillas para piezas cerámica con técnicas y materiales locales. 


Liliana Pastrana

Taller de Tejido y Tintes Naturales

​Técnicas y comunidad local


Artesana, educadora y gastronómica. Como docente de un centro de capacitación de adultos, sintió la necesidad de investigar y recuperar las técnicas ancestrales del teñido de la lana de oveja a partir de pigmentos naturales. Así, con un grupo de mujeres dirigió una investigación estudiando las diferentes plantas de la región, de donde obtuvieron 52 colores diferentes. Actualmente desarrolla en profundidad el trabajo con la mikuna, una planta en peligro de extinción. Desde entonces Liliana es la guardiana de la mikuna y una referente en su revalorización y rescate.

Liliana firmó un convenio con la Universidad de Florencia (Italia) y con la Universidad de Morón (Buenos Aires) para continuar con las investigaciones y promover el cultivo de la mikuna, evitando su extinción.


Paula Guersenzvaig 

Artistic direction

Project support and processes 


Arresident researcher and manager in Buenos Aires. 

ANDGraduated from the Master's Degree in Electronic Arts at UNTREF. Formedin music, mathematics, programming and sound engineering.

Since 2015 he has been a teacheruniversity and cacademic coordinator of MAE UNTREF. From 2023 codirige CNu handlebera.            

Realiza acommanagement of research and production projects, assembly design and art curation contemporary, sound arts, intermedial and transdisciplinary (@untref, @casanubera, @espacio.404)
His artistic production has been included in art centers and museums (CCK, CCRecoleta, CCGSM, CNB, Tecnópolis, Planetario, among others). He has received support to develop artistic projects and residencies at a local and international level (British Council, FNA, Metropolitan Fund, Williams Foundation, ArtCenter South Florida, Cove Park, Cryptic)

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Paula Guersenzvaig 

Artistic direction

Project support and processes 


Arresident researcher and manager in Buenos Aires. 

ANDGraduated from the Master's Degree in Electronic Arts at UNTREF. Formedin music, mathematics, programming and sound engineering.

Since 2015 he has been a teacheruniversity and cacademic coordinator of MAE UNTREF. From 2023 codirige CNu handlebera.            

Realiza acommanagement of research and production projects, assembly design and art curation contemporary, sound arts, intermedial and transdisciplinary (@untref, @casanubera, @espacio.404)
His artistic production has been included in art centers and museums (CCK, CCRecoleta, CCGSM, CNB, Tecnópolis, Planetario, among others). He has received support to develop artistic projects and residencies at a local and international level (British Council, FNA, Metropolitan Fund, Williams Foundation, ArtCenter South Florida, Cove Park, Cryptic)

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